Special Debates

The powering through Brexit debate at Energy Live 2016

Watch the full panel debate covering how we will keep the lights on through the Brexit process. ELN Editor Sumit…

8 years ago

Trump win boosts hard-right eurosceptics?

Europe’s far right has been boosted by Trump’s win! Whether or not Donald Trump ultimately governs as a right-wing nationalist,…

8 years ago

Migrant children: Children, with children’s rights

Stop stalling and act! MEPs call on the EU to ensure that all children's rights are respected, whether they are…

8 years ago

UK Conservative party conference: A country that works for everyone?

British Chancellor Phillip Hammond told the Conservative Party conference on Monday that the decision to leave the European Union had…

8 years ago

Can Britain survive outside the European Family?

Don't panic. Britain's economy can survive just fine outside the European Union - Independent 04/07/2016 The global order is dying.…

8 years ago

Brexit: Au revoir Europe? – Interesting Debate

In this episode of Head to Head, Mehdi Hasan challenges Norman Lamont, former British Chancellor of the Exchequer,  or Finance…

9 years ago

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