European Youth Event goes LIVE online. The Covid-19 crisis has changed our lives and young people have been particularly impacted. What is your vision for Europe after the pandemic? The way we work, study, shop, travel, and think of health, relationships and leisure has been profoundly affected. With lock down measures easing, it’s time to look ahead and think about how the “new normal” will impact all the different areas of young people’s lives – and how it should impact policy making in Europe.
What are your ideas for the future of young people in Europe after the pandemic?
What can the European Parliament and its Members do to support young people in these times?
What is the role of young people in Europe’s recovery?
As the European Youth Event (EYE2020) is postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the European Parliament presents a special online edition of the event, with different activities organised in digital format!
EYE Online offers young people from all over the European Union and beyond a unique opportunity to virtually meet and inspire each other, share their stories and exchange their views with experts, decision-makers, activists and influencers. The programme will run until the end of May 2020.
EYE Online will also address young people’s concerns about the actions and role of the European Union in the context of COVID-19 crisis, echoing a strong civic responsibility message to young Europeans as part of the #EuropeansAgainstCovid19 campaign.
Don’t miss the top activities:
If you are diagnosed with a mental health problem, this is also recognised as a psychosocial disability. But do people with mental health problems recognise themselves as disabled? Do they want to be? And what support is available for them? What will be the impact of the COVID-19 crisis? How can public health officials make sure young people receive effective support during this time and in the aftermath? Join Euro Youth Mental Health activists as we explore this topic
Carmen – EYMH Activist, expert by experience, host
Bori – EYMH Activist, expert by experience, co-host
Nikki – EYMH Activist, expert by experience
The last week of the EYE online will include several interactive sessions every day. Learn more about the programme and the EU’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and share your ideas with the Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament for Communication, Katarina Barley and Othmar Karas.
Othmar Karas, Vice-President, European Parliament
Katarina Barley, Vice-President, European Parliament
Moderator: Hannah Maes, Youth Outreach Unit, European Parliament
Have you ever wondered, what the life of a Member of the European Parliament looks like? How elected officials organise themselves in home-office and how they deal with the current situation? What has changed for them since the outbreak of Covid-19 and what are their plans for after the crisis? Join us to meet two Members of Parliament online and find out how it is to be in the shoes of those MEPs!
Jens Gieseke, Member of the European Parliament
Axel Heyer, Visits and Seminars Unit, European Parliament
Content creation is one thing, but how can you influence with a responsibility during Covid-19? Tomislav Pancirov, a digital nomad from Croatia, will discuss with us everything you need to know about YouTube influencing in these strange times. We will discuss how the YouTube community reacted on the crisis, what we can learn from it and how Covid-19 will change the whole video influencer scene.
Speaker: Tomislav Pancirov, Digital Communications Expert
Moderator: Petra Rusinova, Web Communications Unit, European Parliament
Organisé par le Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français (CNOSF) – En Français
La pandémie du coronavirus nous a obligés ses derniers temps à garder nos distances. C’est une période difficile pour les organisations sportives. Alors que le déconfinement se dessine progressivement à travers l’UE, quel rôle peut jouer le sport pour recréer du lien entre peuples et cultures de l’Union européenne? Est-ce l’occasion de définir une nouvelle vision pour le sport au niveau européen? Cette table-ronde reviendra sur la crise que traverse le secteur sportif depuis le début de la pandémie et analysera dans quelle mesure l’Union européenne gagnerait à le soutenir durablement.
Jean-Michel Brun, Secrétaire général du Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français (CNOSF), Membre exécutif des Comités Olympiques Européens
Marc Tarabella, Député européen, Président du Groupe Sport (ex-Intergroupe Sport) depuis 2014
Mathieu Garcia, biathlète, champion aux jeux olympiques de la jeunesse de Lausanne 2020, médaillé au Festival Olympique de la Jeunesse de Sarajevo 2019
Marie-Amélie Le Fur, Présidente du Comité Paralympique et Sportif Français (CPSF)
Valentin Capelli, Policy Officer au bureau auprès de l’UE des Comités Olympiques Européens
Modération : Anthony Ferreira, chargé de mission affaires européennes, Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français (CNOSF)
Organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Young people are likely to be hit hardest by the new economic recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They are usually the first ones to be laid off or see their hours cut, often work in precarious jobs and they are over-represented in sectors ravaged by the pandemic, such as tourism or retail. Many of them are still suffering from the previous economic recession. What lessons can we draw from the previous financial crisis of 2008? How can we avoid that young people are as badly hit as back then? How can we use the crisis situation to better prepare and upskill young people for the recovery?
Alicia Homs Ginel, Member of the European Parliament, Member of EMPL committee
Frédéric Piccavet, Board member for social and economic inclusion, European Youth Forum
Max Uebe, Head of Unit, Employment Strategy, European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Moderator: Méabh McMahon, Journalist and conference moderator
Organised by the African Youth Diaspora
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been a magnifying glass for inequalities in health and health care of Afro-descendants. Alarmingly, these inequalities do not remain within borders – they are carried over into healthcare work and ‘humanitarianism’ conducted in the Global South. The pandemic thus presents a unique opportunity to address these deep-rooted problems.
Dr. Shakira Choonara, independent public health practitioner
Kelly-Ann Fonderson, policy expert and ambassador of the African Caribbean Pacific Young Professionals Network (ACP YPN)
Dr. Elsa Zekeng, Co-Founder of a CIC – Solidarity in Tech (SIT) and Jobseekrs
Moderator: Gilberto Morishaw, social justice activist and consultant, Ambassador for ACP YPN
Organised by the European Youth Forum
In the past months, physical mobility has been drastically reduced all over Europe – this means that also activities running within the framework of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes have been strongly impacted. How is the implementation of these programmes being adapted to the situation? How can young people overcome this and still take advantage of mobility programmes? What can we learn from this for the future?
Leonie Martin, President, JEF Europe
Miranda Zavrou, Secretary of Events, YEU Cyprus
Floor van Houdt, Head of Unit, DG EAC, European Commission
Daniela Fellinger, Coordinator, Development Committee Alliance
Moderator: Andrea Casamenti, Board member, European Youth Forum
How and where do you train to become a translator or an interpreter? Are there any preconditions? Got my degree – what happens next? Would you like to do a traineeship in the European Parliament? Follow this session to find out more.
Mikael Schütt, Translator, European Parliament
Milota Westerbeek, Interpreter, European Parliament
Moderator: Róisín Abbott, Public Relations officer, European Parliament Translation Service
Organised by the European Central Bank
We are currently facing enormous challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic. How will the situation evolve? How does the pandemic affect people, businesses and banks? What can we do to limit the negative impact on the European economy? Join our online Youth Dialogue with ECB President Christine Lagarde and ask your question!
Speaker: Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank
Organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Small businesses have big ambitions – even during the COVID-19 crisis. The coronavirus pandemic is an unprecedented challenge for our healthcare systems, and also a major shock to our economies. Join this session to discover what the EU is doing to support small and medium sized enterprises in these times!
Armando Melone, Policy officer SME access to finance, European Commission
Sarah Abdilla, EU Policy & Communications Executive, Malta Business Bureau and Communication Champion, Enterprise Europe Network Malta
Anna Heijker, Moderator and pitch trainer and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs host entrepreneur
Veronica Elena Bocci, Manager of the Ditecfer cluster
Moderator: Florie Paquay, Blue Blook Trainee, European Commission
What is the impact of Covid-19 outside the big cities? How does the crisis affect farmers and the rural population? What are farmers doing to cope with fewer migrant workers? Could the need for labour attract young people to work in the fields? How does rural youth cope with the situation?
Emil Radev, LIBE Vice-Chair Member of the European Parliament (TBC)
Sebastian Lassnig, Chairman, Rural Youth Europe
Katerina Vrublova, Senior Policy Advisor, COPA-COGECA
Moderator: Rachele Rossi, Policy Analyst, European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS)
South Korea successfully used data collection and tracking to flatten the curve and slow down the spread of the virus. In Italy, data collection is used to check if people stay close to home when going outside. Belgium and France are surveilling its parks with drones. How do we balance public health and the right to privacy? If surveillance will be choses, will it be possible to go back to more privacy and our rights once the virus will be gone?
Ioannis Kouvakas, Legal Officer, Privacy International, 28, Greek living in the United Kingdom
Emil Radev, LIBE Vice-Chair or or Jeroen Lenaers, LIBE Vice-Coordinator, Member of the European Parliament (TBC)
Moderator: Nathalie Smuha, Researcher & Assistant Lecturer, KU Leuven Faculty of Law
Organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education and Culture
During confinement and school closure, many lessons have been learned about the challenges and opportunities of distance learning. As school sites re-open, it is clear that teaching and learning will not return to the way it was before and that there is an opportunity to redesign education for the benefit of all. This session will discuss the experiences of students, teachers, and schools in order to consider how school education can effectively function on-site and at a distance in the future.
Rute Baptista, Pedagogical and Professional Development Officer for eTwinning
Anna Laghigna, secondary school teacher and teacher trainer for technology-enhanced teaching
Luisa Lenta, primary school teacher, coordinator of “Innovative Teaching”
Moderator: Michael Teutsch, Head of Unit Schools and multilingualism, European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education, Sport and Culture
Organised by EU-COE youth partnership
Digital tools and platforms are one of the preferred channels of communication and interaction for young people, and their use has become even more relevant during the pandemic. Yet, this context has also emphasized a preexisting digital gap, where more and more young people are left behind due to different challenges and barriers. However, there are platforms that support social inclusion of young people, so let’s discover them!
Adina Marina Serban, PhD, Center for Sustainable Community Development (CSCD), Romania and members of the Pool of European Youth Researchers (PEYR)
Veronica Ștefan, Founder, Digital Citizens – Think Tank
Moderator: Lana Pasic, Youth Research and Policy Officer, EU-CoE youth partnership
Will the COVID-19 pandemic have a lasting impact on how we tackle the climate emergency? Or did COVID-19 shift too much attention away from topics such as climate change? Can government aid for affected businesses be connected the the EU Green Deal, giving extra incentives to companies restarting operations sustainably?
Louise Perret Michaux, Climate Activist, Fridays for Future and Youth for Climate, 17, French, living in Italy
Alex McLaughlin, Dr, 28, Researcher and teaching fellow, University of Reading, British living in the United Kingdom
Mairead McGuinness, Vice-President of the European Parliament
Moderator: Dylan Ahern, Political Showmaker, de Kiesmannen, 26, Dutch living in the Netherlands
Organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
The COVID-19 crisis has a considerable negative impact on the labour market in Europe. At the same time, it is intensifying aspects of the labour market that were already on the rise, such as digitalisation and atypical work. Join European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit and gain an insight into the current situation and what the EU is doing to support workers and employers
Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
Moderator: Méabh McMahon, Journalist and conference moderator
Organised by Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions)
How is the pandemic affecting young people’s lives? And how will the economic vulnerability affect them? Will the history of the 2008 crisis repeat itself in the economic recession following the COVID-19 crisis? Eurofound has collected the experiences of over 85,000 European citizens in a short online questionnaire. Join this activity to hear about the results and share your experience of being young during the COVID-19 crisis.
Ludovic Voet, Confederal Secretary in charge of youth, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
Marie-Claire McAleer, Head of Research & Policy, National Youth Council of Ireland
Kim Van Sparrentak, Member of the European Parliament
Moderator: Valentina Patrini, Eurofound (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions)
Session organised by DG TRAD/LINC
Everybody in Europe speaks English – why spend time, effort and money on translators and interpreters?
Speakers: (TBC)
Mikael Schütt, Translator, European Parliament or Valerija Podrzavnik, Translator, Europeann Parliament
Milota Westerbeek, Interpreter, European Parliament or Tim van Hauwermeiren, Interpreter, European Parliament
Nicola Beer, Vice-President of the European Parliament
Moderator: Alison Graves, Multilingualism and External Relations, European Parliament Translation Service
Oganised by YOU and LUX Prize, Events Unit.
Staying at home has lead a lot of people to pursue one activity with increased frequency: watching movies online. Whilst online streaming services profit from this development, the film and cinema industry is facing slumps through empty cinemas and unexpected shooting breaks. What is the impact of COVID-19 on the film and documentary industry? And what role can or should film artists and their work play in such a time of crisis? How can directors of documentaries on important topics such as human rights continue to spread their message in such times? What are their artistic reflections of this unprecedented situation?
Teona Strugar Mitevska, Film Director, Lux Prize laureate
Ondřej Moravec, Programme Director, One World Festival Director
Klara Dobrev, Vice-President of the European Parliament
Moderator: Ruta Jozenaite, Web Communications Unit, European Parliament
How do vaccines work? Now how do they get developed, how long could it take, and how do they help us stop the spread of a virus? How do we ensure that our health systems are accessible for everyone – the weaker, the older, the homeless, the undocumented migrants? Structurally, do we need more healthcare budget? How do healthcare systems compare worldwide?
Enya Aquilina, Public Health Assistant for Vaccine Hesitancy, EMSA
Giada Scarpetti, Research Fellow, Technische Universität Berlin, Research Hub of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Tomislav Sokol, Member of the European Parliament (TBC)
Moderator: Liliana Borges, journalist (TBC)
Organised by the Cabinet of Commissioner Sinkevičius
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted strongly our economy and our environment. As we get “back to normal”, what can we expect? Will society, business and governments become more aware of their effects on nature and the resources available to all? What role can the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy play in Europe’s green recovery? This live Q&A session is your chance to ask these or other questions to EU Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, and learn more.
Virginijus Sinkevičius, European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries
Moderator: Vivian Loonela, coordinating Spokesperson for the EU Green Deal including environment, oceans and maritime affairs
Ever wondered how is the life of the President of the European Parliament? To close the EYE online, President David Maria Sassoli will join us live from the Hemicycle of the European Parliament in Brussels to tell us more about his daily work, particularly in these challenging times, and about the Parliament’s response to Covid-19 and the way forward after this crisis. Send your questions in advance through a video story on Instagram for a chance to be featured in the live.
David Maria Sassoli, President of the European Parliament
Moderators: Alfredo Alagna, Visitors and Seminars Unit and Hannah Maes, Youth Outreach unit, European Parliament
The Covid-19 crisis has changed our lives and young people have been particularly impacted. What is your vision for Europe after the pandemic?
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