After steep drop in early 2020, global CO2 emissions came back

4 years ago

The Covid-19 crisis in 2020 triggered the largest annual drop in global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions since the Second World…

EuroNanoForum 2021 debates Nanotechnology and Nano-enabled industries

4 years ago

The EuroNanoForum 2021 conference will address the role of Nanotechnology and nano-enabled industries in the transformation towards EU prosperity. The…

Switzerland to ban burqa and niqab for muslims in public places

4 years ago

Muslim groups criticise Switzerland for banning burqa and niqab face coverings in public spaces. Muslims say the ban will further…

One in three travel destinations still fully closed to international tourists

4 years ago

Around a third of 217 world travel destinations surveyed remain completely closed to international tourists, as concerns grow over the…

Lufthansa records €6.7bn loss in 2020

4 years ago

Germany’s largest airline Lufthansa recorded billions of euro in losses during the pandemic-stricken 2020, catapulting the carrier into an unprecedented…

President von der Leyen EU debates on the International Women’s Day

4 years ago

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen addressed the European Parliament on International Women’s Day on 8th March 2021. During the…

Can financial institutions invest in ocean health?

4 years ago

New, pivotal guidance published by the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative. UNEP FI provides a market-first, practical toolkit for financial institutions to…

Kamala Harris: Our world does not yet work for Women as it should

4 years ago

Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris addressed the European Parliament on International Women’s Day on 8th March 2021. During…

We are all in this together! Jacinda Ardern on International Women’s Day

4 years ago

During the plenary session of the European Parliament in Brussels, Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand joined MEPs to…

International Women’s Day was a special day in Brussels plenary

4 years ago

President Sassoli, New Zealand PM Ardern, US VP Harris and President von der Leyen honoured International Women’s Day and women…

EU-US negotiations on agricultural quotas agreement

4 years ago

The European Union and the United States have concluded negotiations to adjust the European Union's World Trade Organization (WTO) agricultural…

Harnessing the Power of Culture and Creativity in Tourism Recovery

4 years ago

The shared values and close ties between tourism and culture stakeholders means both sectors can work together to ensure inclusive…

Important social gains for women lost due to COVID-19

4 years ago

Progress for women in work could be back at 2017 levels by the end of 2021 as a result of…

Women in Europe need ‘greater economic independence’ to avoid poverty

4 years ago

Women in Europe should be given “greater economic independence” through equal pay, childcare support and the sharing of domestic duties…

African swine fever: devising an ‘exit strategy’ for affected countries

4 years ago

African swine fever (ASF) is an infectious lethal disease affecting domestic pigs and wild boar and in 2020 it has…

Eurostat reports 2020 employment flows with empty offices

4 years ago

The recent health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted employment in the European Union and Eurostat reports 2020…

EU needs greater corporate transparency for big multinational companies

4 years ago

The EU takes measures to enhance corporate transparency of big multinational companies, to the public country-by-country reporting (CBCR) directive. Member…

China’s vaccine diplomacy in Africa

4 years ago

Last year the world faced the “mask diplomacy” and now there’s the “vaccine diplomacy” with China and Russia holding a…

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