Trump signs the largest stimulus in U.S. history to face economic meltdown

5 years ago

US President signed the largest stimulus in U.S. history. Trump tries to get full power of government and society to…

LIVE EU Parliament first time ever plenary online due to COVID-19 pandemic

5 years ago

The European Parliament Plenary moves to email voting during COVID-19 pandemic. An “alternative electronic voting procedure” has been agreed and…

EU suspends budget rules to fight Coronavirus

5 years ago

Member states can spend and do whatever it takes to face the Coronavirus Crisis. The European Economy faces the COVID-19…

100.000 EU citizens want repatriation flights to Europe

5 years ago

The European Union is working on all fronts to book repatriation flights for EU citizens due to the COVID-19 outbreak.…

Coronavirus: EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier tested positive for COVID-19

5 years ago

Michel Barnier tested positive for coronavirus. He is 69 years old and he is infected by Coronavirus. He is the…

750bn ECB bond-buying programme to fight Coronavirus

5 years ago

The economic impact of coronavirus is a rising strain across the world and ECB announced €750 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase…

G7 leaders met online to fight Coronavirus as EU closes borders

5 years ago

G7 leaders met online on a video conference to design a joint strategy for the COVID-19 pandemic. They promised 'Whatever…

We are at war! Macron announced 15-day Coronavirus lockdown in France

5 years ago

French President Macron said 'We are at war' and ordered 15-day lockdown, banning public gatherings and walks outdoors. France reported…

Can ECB do whatever it takes? Lagarde sets the rules

5 years ago

Every economic crisis is destined to be moderated by the Central Banks making a policy support mix. Christine Lagarde ECB…

Coronavirus outbreak threatens EU economy

5 years ago

President of the ECB is ready to take all the appropriate and targeted measures to fight Coronavirus outbreak. ECB President…

Coronavirus closed down Italy. Conte needs EU support and action

5 years ago

Italy is officially in lockdown. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced that Italy be closed down by restrictions from North to…

Solutions for Greece and unaccompanied migrant children

5 years ago

EU should urgently relocate unaccompanied migrant children from Greek islands to safety places, while ensuring that the children’s best interests…

Is it legal to fire Rubber Bullets at asylum seekers?

5 years ago

As a contribution to the the extraordinary situation at the EU Greek external borders, the EU Commission presented an Action…

Climate-neutrality 2050: EU Climate Law lonely global roadmap

5 years ago

The EU's Climate Law and ambition to become the first climate-neutral bloc in the world by 2050 is at the…

EU officials visit Greek-Turkish borders. EU cannot be blackmailed

5 years ago

Since last Friday, Turkey "opened its doors" for refugees and migrants to leave for the European Union. Thousands have massed…

EU to launch Frontex rapid border assistance to Greece

5 years ago

EU plans a rapid border Frontex intervention to assist Greece in dealing with the large numbers of migrants at its…

OECD: Coronavirus darkens World Economic Outlook

5 years ago

The global economy faces its biggest danger since the financial crisis. Containing the epidemic and protecting people is the priority.…

Migration: A Hybrid Threat? Turkey sends Migrants to Europe. Blackmail or Hybrid threat?

5 years ago

A New Form of “Hybrid Warfare”? On social media many Europeans have been claiming online that Erdogan is conducting a…

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