
Climate adaptation: Green Deal Going Local to adapt to global warming

The involvement of local and regional authorities in the Climate adaptation agenda will also be reinforced through key EU programmes.…

4 years ago

InvestEU programme adopted for strategic and innovative investments

MEPs adopted the new InvestEU programme, which will mobilise public and private investments and guarantees simplified access to financing. Parliament…

4 years ago

ECB Green monetary policy and Climate change

Central banks have already started to look at climate-related risks, greening monetary policy in the context of financial stability. Should…

4 years ago

Energy small clean tech projects get EUR 100 million EU funding

Innovation Fund gives the first EUR 100 million of EU funding in 232 small-scale clean tech projects between EUR 2.5…

4 years ago

Food is responsible for one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions

More than one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activity can be attributed to the way we produce,…

4 years ago

ECFIN Webinar on the economics of climate change

Policy makers and economists are confronted with the challenge of COVID-19 recovery, towards a carbon neutral economy to debate climate…

4 years ago

Polar vortex responsible for Texas deep freeze, warm Arctic temperatures

A “polar vortex” was responsible for the freezing conditions with the coldest February since 1989 in the US state of…

4 years ago

High-level EU-Africa green investment forum

This high-level EU-Africa green investment forum will bring leading government and business figures, international and development financial institutions, and academia…

4 years ago

UN begins push towards more sustainable energy future

Renewable energy is “crucial for building a sustainable, prosperous and peaceful energy future”, the UN chief said in a debate.…

4 years ago

Disaster preparedness is key after 10 Years of Fukushima Earthquake and Tsunami

The UN chief urged countries to make sure they invest the funds in disaster preparedness and management, after 10 Years…

4 years ago

After steep drop in early 2020, global CO2 emissions came back

The Covid-19 crisis in 2020 triggered the largest annual drop in global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions since the Second World…

4 years ago

Can financial institutions invest in ocean health?

New, pivotal guidance published by the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative. UNEP FI provides a market-first, practical toolkit for financial institutions to…

4 years ago

Νew European Climate and Health Observatory

The European Commission and the European Environment Agency launched the new European Climate and Health Observatory to keep EU healthy…

4 years ago

Your Europe, Your Say! #YEYS2021 the annual youth event of the EESC

Join the #YEYS2021 the annual youth event - Your Europe, Your Say - of the European Economic and Social Committee…

4 years ago

Climate crisis leave millions in food insecurity across Central America

Hunger has increased almost fourfold in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua in the past two years. The World Food…

4 years ago

World risks ‘collapse of everything’ without strong climate action

If we continue on our current path, we will face the collapse of everything that gives us our security warned…

4 years ago

Protect our Oceans: the challenge of Europe’s global leadership

Join Aix-Marseille University's second European Conference, on Wednesday 16 June 2021 at the European Committee of the Regions to Protect…

4 years ago

Climate expert debates New EU strategy on adaptation to climate change

Climate expert debates the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change, setting out the pathway to prepare for the…

4 years ago

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