Eurostat reports 2020 employment flows with empty offices

The recent health crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted employment in the European Union and Eurostat reports 2020…

4 years ago

Salmonella and Campylobacter cases stable in EU

The number of reported human cases of illness caused by Campylobacter and Salmonella bacteria across Europe appears to be stabilising over the past five…

4 years ago

MEPS plan to tackle in-work poverty in the EU

To fight in-work poverty, MEPs want action on minimum wages and support for those most at risk including women and…

4 years ago

Migration decreased by 31% last year compared to 2019 due to COVID19

Applications for asylum seekers in Europe in 2020 decreased by 31% compared to 2019, down to the lowest levels since…

4 years ago

MEPs: Minimum wage is a remedy for inequality and in-work poverty

To fight inequality and in-work poverty, MEPs call for a minimum wage, equal labour conditions for platform workers and a…

4 years ago

Municipal Waste management in the EU Circular economy

Waste management planning is the cornerstone of any national, regional or municipal policy on waste management. The establishment of a…

4 years ago

E-waste Electronic Waste hit records in Europe

E-waste Electronic Waste such as computers, TV-sets, fridges and cell phones is one the fastest growing waste streams in the…

4 years ago

Communication prices in the EU. How much do you pay?

Communication prices across the EU in 2019 were almost five times as high in the most expensive EU State than…

4 years ago

Renewable Energy in Europe increased- Full Eurostat report

Share of renewable energy more than doubled between 2004 and 2019. Wind and water provide most renewable electricity while solar…

4 years ago

Europeans trust EU to tackle pandemic, Eurobarometer Survey

In the grip of the second wave of coronavirus, two thirds of EU citizens call for more EU competence and…

4 years ago

Same minimum wage for all EU countries is not possible (Video)

EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights made it clear on Wednesday that the same minimum wage for all Europeans…

4 years ago

COVID-19 research: The risk of losing your job and income in the EU

The social and economic consequences on losing your job and income due to the pandemic COVID-19 vary across EU countries.…

4 years ago

Local authorities are crucial to invest EU funds for Recovery

The Recovery plan for Europe must take local authorities, Regions and Cities on board to be effective in tackling the…

4 years ago

Will the GBP pound survive between euro and dollar?

GBP pound exchange rate has changed vs the euro and dollar during the coronavirus outbreak. The pound is stronger against…

5 years ago

EU in 2020: What to expect and how to prepare

What is the Europe 2020 strategy about? Will the new EU leadership do a good job in 2020? Smarter, greener,…

5 years ago

Good or Bad? Euro area unemployment 7.5% and EU28 6.3%

The euro area (EA19) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 7.5% in July 2019, stable compared with June 2019 and down from…

5 years ago

EUdatathon 2019: The European Union open data competition

The EU Datathon 2019 competition aims to promote the reuse of open data from across the European Union. 99 teams…

6 years ago

Nuclear power in Europe: Cross-border safety and EU Energy Union

Nuclear power plants generate almost 30% of the electricity produced in the EU. There are 130 nuclear reactors in operation…

6 years ago

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