Watch State of the Union live: Ursula von der Leyen gives 2022 address #SOTEU

President Ursula von der Leyen debates priorities ahead of hard winter at the State of the European Union #SOTEU at…

3 years ago

Future of Europe: EU debates and Citizen engagement are the key

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a citizen-led series of EU debates to enable European to share ideas…

4 years ago

European Pillar of Social Rights: Gothenburg, Porto and beyond

The European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) is an initiative launched by the European Commission with very ambitious aims. EU…

4 years ago

How far is Western Balkans future within the European Union?

In the week of 26 April, leaders from EU and the Western Balkans held several meetings confirming their mutual strong…

4 years ago

Survey results: Europeans support the Conference on the Future of Europe

The European Parliament and the European Commission released the first-ever Eurobarometer survey conducted jointly for the two institutions. The Special Eurobarometer…

4 years ago

President von der Leyen EU debates the Conference on the Future of Europe

Speech by President von der Leyen at the signature of the Joint Declaration on the Conference on the Future of…

4 years ago

Conference on the Future of Europe: EU Presidents sign joint declaration

The Presidential signature set the Conference on the Future of Europe in motion, to address challenges and strengthen European solidarity.…

4 years ago

The Conference on the Future of Europe gets green light

The Council of the EU gave its approval to the joint declaration on the Conference on the Future of Europe.…

4 years ago

Has Social Economy a future within the EU?

Social economy can help the EU find the right direction out of the current crisis and also play a role…

4 years ago

EU-UK Trade Deal: EU protection, fair competition and common future

After intensive negotiations, European Commission has reached an agreement, a good trade deal with the United Kingdom leaving Brexit behind.…

4 years ago

TOP 10 EU plan to fight COVID-19 and ensure Recovery

European Commission has put forward Next Generation EU for a major recovery plan to fight COVID-19 and ensure recovery. During…

4 years ago

Foresight for Future Development and EU Strategy

Foresight really is not about the crystal ball. Strategic Foresight is the discipline of exploring, anticipating and shaping the future.…

5 years ago

Recovery Plan: Boosting EU strategic Autonomy

President Charles Michel placed EU strategic autonomy at the top of the political agenda. Multi-level competition is on the rise…

5 years ago

Advice from an ESA astronaut to invest on LIFE on Earth

What is the best financial advice for young people? ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano provides words of wisdom to young people…

5 years ago

Do we need a common EU Army to make Europe stronger?

Is it time now for an EU Army? First of all is an EU Army possible? Many EU leaders have…

5 years ago

Is the world becoming less Western? EU debates Westlessness

Europe debates Westlessness in Munich. The 56th Munich Security Conference took place at Hotel Bayerischer Hof in Munich from February…

5 years ago

EU in 2020: What to expect and how to prepare

What is the Europe 2020 strategy about? Will the new EU leadership do a good job in 2020? Smarter, greener,…

5 years ago

Global Trends to 2030 – Challenges and Choices for Europe #eudebates

ESPAS Annual Conference Global Trends to 2030 is a landmark conference. The European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS) brings…

5 years ago

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