
Debating LGBTI equality in the EU: from 2020 and beyond

LGBTI people Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex continue to suffer from widespread discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes in the…

5 years ago

Do cyclists really think they’re above the law?

Riding on pavements, scattering pedestrians in their wake. And don't even get me started on jumping red lights. Cyclists routinely flout traffic rules! Mounting…

6 years ago

EU fight against death penalty

Socrates warned his jurors that in killing him they would be doing far more harm to themselves than to him,…

6 years ago

Whistleblowers: Protection for people who report breaches of EU law

Recent scandals such as Dieselgate, Luxleaks, the Panama Papers or the ongoing Cambridge Analytica revelations show that whistleblowers can play…

6 years ago

France: Macron against Gilets Jaunes with anti-riot hooligans Law

French MPs voted to give forces the power to ban suspected hooligans, probably “gilets jaunes” (yellow vest) protesters from demonstrating.…

6 years ago

Legalize All Drugs: Imagine the world if drugs become legal

Drug legalization calls for a return to the pre-20th century situation in which almost all drugs were legal. This would…

6 years ago

What should be the top priority for Europe in 2017?

While a number of top issues, such as the economy, have been rated consistently high over the last years, immigration…

8 years ago

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