Manufacturing the Future

Watch State of the Union live: Ursula von der Leyen gives 2022 address #SOTEU

President Ursula von der Leyen debates priorities ahead of hard winter at the State of the European Union #SOTEU at…

3 years ago

Future of Europe: EU debates and Citizen engagement are the key

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a citizen-led series of EU debates to enable European to share ideas…

4 years ago

European Pillar of Social Rights: Gothenburg, Porto and beyond

The European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) is an initiative launched by the European Commission with very ambitious aims. EU…

4 years ago

Survey results: Europeans support the Conference on the Future of Europe

The European Parliament and the European Commission released the first-ever Eurobarometer survey conducted jointly for the two institutions. The Special Eurobarometer…

4 years ago

President von der Leyen EU debates the Conference on the Future of Europe

Speech by President von der Leyen at the signature of the Joint Declaration on the Conference on the Future of…

4 years ago

Conference on the Future of Europe: EU Presidents sign joint declaration

The Presidential signature set the Conference on the Future of Europe in motion, to address challenges and strengthen European solidarity.…

4 years ago

The Conference on the Future of Europe gets green light

The Council of the EU gave its approval to the joint declaration on the Conference on the Future of Europe.…

4 years ago

New EU investment priorities of €330 billion cohesion legislative package

EU gives €330 billion for new EU investment priorities through the 2021-2027 cohesion package to boost recovery from the pandemic.…

4 years ago

Vaccine certificates will save summer

European Union works on a common approach to vaccination certificates and will come back following months to this issue to…

4 years ago

VIDEO from inside the Pfizer vaccine factory in Puurs, Belgium

Pfizer, in partnership with Germany company BioNtech, plans to supply 1.3 billion doses of the vaccine in 2021 from factories…

4 years ago

How will grants and loans be allocated by EU Member States?

Each country will have a maximum grants envelope, determined based on a pre-defined allocation key, which takes into account population,…

4 years ago

EU plans €672.5bn of grants and loans in Recovery and Resilience Facility

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is the biggest building block of €672.5 billion in grants and loans of the…

4 years ago

Recovery and Resilience Facility: EU guidelines on Recovery plans

The European Commission presented its guidance on the implementation of ‘do no significant harm' in the context of the Recovery and Resilience…

4 years ago

Grants and loans: What the Recovery EU money will be invested in

Grants and loans of €672.5 billion Recovery and Resilience Facility is the key tool in European Recovery plan in response…

4 years ago

Has Social Economy a future within the EU?

Social economy can help the EU find the right direction out of the current crisis and also play a role…

4 years ago

TOP 10 EU plan to fight COVID-19 and ensure Recovery

European Commission has put forward Next Generation EU for a major recovery plan to fight COVID-19 and ensure recovery. During…

4 years ago

Foresight for Future Development and EU Strategy

Foresight really is not about the crystal ball. Strategic Foresight is the discipline of exploring, anticipating and shaping the future.…

5 years ago

Germany’s good working political machine into the EU limelight

Germany holds the Presidency of the Council until the end of 2020. A first series of hearings took place from…

5 years ago

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