Research & Development

Next-generation European kids might live on Mars

Since ancient times, Mars has captured the imagination of humankind, sparking an interest in scientists and artists. It sounds like…

5 years ago

Sustainable seafood: Fish from well-managed sources

Are enough fish left in the ocean? Wild fish is no longer able to supply the world population. Sustainable aquaculture…

5 years ago

European Research and Innovation Days #RiDaysEU

European Research and Innovation Days is the first annual policy event of the European Commission. It brings together stakeholders to…

5 years ago

EuCNC 2019 and the 5G Global Event

EuCNC 2019 is the 28th edition of a successful series of a conference in the field of telecommunications. This conference…

6 years ago

EUdatathon 2019: The European Union open data competition

The EU Datathon 2019 competition aims to promote the reuse of open data from across the European Union. 99 teams…

6 years ago

Astronomy: EU scientists captured a real black hole picture

What does a black hole look like? No one knows for sure. Artists make their images based on what physicists…

6 years ago

Save Food! Educating future generations for a zero food waste world

Each year about one-third of food produced globally is either lost or wasted, amounting to approximately 1.3 billion tonnes in…

6 years ago

Masters of Digital 2019: For a stronger digital innovative Europe

Europe needs digital innovation to prosper in the global economy as much as digital innovation requires a common European vision…

6 years ago

Food Waste: Can we balance our consumption and reduce waste at production?

Food waste is the loss of edible food mass that was originally intended for human consumption which occurred either at…

6 years ago

EFGCP 2019: Making clinical research an element of better Healthcare

Many scientific, methodological and regulatory challenges in research and development of treatments for different diseases have been successfully overcome in…

6 years ago

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