Unaccompanied Children

European Child Guarantee adopted to prevent and combat social exclusion

The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) adopted the European Child Guarantee to combat social exclusion. The…

4 years ago

Parliament highlights COVID19 impact on children’s health and education

EU member states must invest more in children’s health, education, healthcare, housing, family support and childcare. EU will ensure that…

4 years ago

EU debates Human Trafficking to protect women, children and migrants

The use of sexual services provided by trafficking victims must be criminalised and harder measures to tackle its proliferation are…

4 years ago

COVID-19 impact exposes millions to the risk of human trafficking

“Millions of women, children and men worldwide are out of work, out of school and without social support in the…

4 years ago

UNICEF: Make 2021 ‘safer, healthier world for children’

“The children born today enter a world far different than even a year ago, and a New Year brings a…

4 years ago

UNICEF to feed hungry children in UK after the Second World War

The first time for UNICEF to feed children in the UK in the 70-year-history. The most urgent crisis affecting children…

4 years ago

Solutions for Greece and unaccompanied migrant children

EU should urgently relocate unaccompanied migrant children from Greek islands to safety places, while ensuring that the children’s best interests…

5 years ago

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