World Bank

Coronavirus: Bill Gates as prophet predicted pandemic in 2015

Bill Gates as prophet predicted pandemic in 2015 and noticed that If we start now, we can be ready for…

5 years ago

750bn ECB bond-buying programme to fight Coronavirus

The economic impact of coronavirus is a rising strain across the world and ECB announced €750 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase…

5 years ago

Coronavirus outbreak threatens EU economy

President of the ECB is ready to take all the appropriate and targeted measures to fight Coronavirus outbreak. ECB President…

5 years ago

ECB president candidate Christine Lagarde faces European Parliament

The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) holds an exchange of views with Christine Lagarde, candidate for the position…

6 years ago

Can G7 leaders save the world and stop the next global crisis?

The G7 Leaders wish to underline their great unity and the positive spirit of the debates. The G7 Summit organized…

6 years ago

How to prepare for the next global recession

It has been a decade since the global recession of 2008-2009 and some interesting and and worrying vulnerabilities are also popping…

6 years ago

The Future of European Integration after 20 Years of the Euro

From the USA, Moscovici called on Berlin to spend more on investment! Pierre Moscovici, European commissioner for economic and financial…

6 years ago

Educating Girls: Why ‘Agenda 2030’ should be called ‘Gender 2030’

This event of Friends of Europe is part of Development Policy Forum (DPF), which brings together a number of important…

6 years ago

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