How can we make growth work for all? The Investment Plan for Europe

Growing inequality in wealth, income, and opportunity, together with concerns over the benefits of globalization, has fuelled growing discontent. We…

8 years ago

Is Europe Failing Its Muslims?

The debate "Europe is failing its Muslims" took place on 2010 February 23rd at Cadogan Hall in London, in association…

8 years ago

CETA & EU Trade Policy, Aviation safety rules, Farmers’ income

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is an international treaty between the European Union and Canada. The negotiations have…

8 years ago

Who do you want for President of the United States?

On November 8th, USA will choose its next president. There are now only a few days left before USA votes…

8 years ago

EU-Turkey: Arguments for and against Turkey’s EU membership

MEPs debated the state of democracy in Turkey after 138 members of the Turkish parliament had their immunity lifted. Respect…

9 years ago

Tsakalotos gives advice to Schäuble: Germany should invest

Germany should invest now!!!Euclid Tsakalotos We have a northern economy who have zero interest rates and to me as an…

9 years ago

Economic Governance in Europe: Solution or Crisis cycle? Quo vadis?

The crisis exposed fundamental problems and unsustainable trends in many European countries. It also made clear just how interdependent the…

9 years ago

A New Deal for Europe: Creating Growth and Employment | #ec16fes

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | EUROPE CALLING "A New Deal for Europe: Creating Growth and Employment" 2 June 2016, 6 p.m. - National…

9 years ago

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