
Top 10 facts about the new Common Agricultural Policy agreed

The Council agreed its negotiating position on the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reforms to support farmers and improve productivity.…

4 years ago

Facebook threatens to stop working in Europe due Data-Sharing conflicts

Facebook threatens to stop working for more than 410 million European users, after Facebook Data violations. The social media giant…

5 years ago

The European Elections have started! Join #EP2019

More than 426 million citizens are eligible to vote in all EU countries between 23 and 26 May. Social media…

6 years ago

Far-Right Extremists banned on Instagram and Facebook #NoPlace4Hate

Alex Jones, Infowars, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, Paul Nehlen and Louis Farrakhan have all been removed from…

6 years ago

What is hate speech for you?

IT companies are removing on average 72% of the illegal hate speech notified to them. This is estimated to be…

6 years ago

DeleteFacebook? What is the best Facebook european alternative?

The 10 best Facebook alternatives for Android and iOS are here! Whether you're part of the #DeleteFacebook crowd or the…

6 years ago

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