Mariya Gabriel

European Universities initiative European higher education

The Council adopted conclusions on the European Universities initiative - Bridging higher education, research, innovation and society: paving the way…

4 years ago

Horizon Europe boosts research & innovation in strategic plan 2021-2024

The European Commission adopted the first strategic plan for Horizon Europe, the new EU research and innovation programme worth €95.5 billion…

4 years ago

European Alarm over the increased threat of variants

Commission is proposing immediate action to prepare Europe for the increased threat of coronavirus variants. The new European bio-defence preparedness plan against…

4 years ago

Equity investments in breakthrough innovations by Innovation Council Fund

EU Commission announced the first equity investments in breakthrough innovations by European Innovation Council Fund. 42 highly innovative start-ups and…

4 years ago

EU funds for Start-ups and SMEs to shape the future

EU has selected 38 of Europe’s most promising start-ups and SMEs to receive funding to develop ground-breaking innovations in Europe.…

4 years ago

The recovery of the sport sector after the COVID-19 crisis

Sport brings people together in Europe daily life but the sport sector has been severely hit by the COVID19 pandemic.…

4 years ago

Re-Open EU: Online Travel tool for a safe EU Summer 2020

Re-open EU is a useful interactive travel tool that provides you with the information to plan your European Summer 2020.…

5 years ago

Erasmus Student Exchanges Programme in the time of Coronavirus

An Erasmus placement is much more than just a break in another country. For many students it is a positive,…

5 years ago

Best wishes President Ursula von der Leyen to your #vdLcommission!

The von der Leyen Commission started its five-year term of office on 1 December 2019 with the online hashtag #vdLcommission.…

5 years ago

President Ursula von der Leyen presents LIVE the new Commissioners

During the plenary session, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, presents her new Commissioners team and programme.…

5 years ago

The new VOTE list of Commissioners is ready at the EU Parliament

The new EU Commissioners list is ready for the Voting list of the European Parliament. The new members of the…

5 years ago

LIVE Hearings: Mariya Gabriel Commissioner – Innovation and Youth

LIVE Hearings today with Mariya Gabriel Commissioner for Innovation and youth. Members of the European Parliament in Brussels test her…

6 years ago

LIVE: Hearings of Commissioner-Candidates at the European Parliament

Parliament’s committees will assess the fitness of the commissioners-designate for their proposed posts in public LIVE hearings between 30 September…

6 years ago

All the new EU Commissioners by Ursula von der Leyen

Find here the complete list of new EU Commissioners from all EU27 countries and the portfolios delivered to them by…

6 years ago

LIVE: President Ursula von der Leyen announces the Commissioners portfolios

Ursula von der Leyen announced her gender-balanced list of commissioners and the distribution of portfolios. Watch here from the European…

6 years ago

Ursula announced the Commissioners for the next EU Commission

President-elect Ursula von der Leyen gave her agreement to the draft list of Commissioners for the next European Commission of…

6 years ago

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