LIVE Berlin: Protests against Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel for Migration Policy

Ruptly LIVE from Berlin’s Zoologischer Garten train station on Wednesday, December 21. Right-wing group Wach auf Deutschland (Wake up Germany)…

8 years ago

Manfred Weber chairman of the EPP group LIVE on EP facebook

When? Tuesday 29 November @ 17.30 CET. Who? Manfred Weber, chairman of the EPP group. EPP? The group behind the…

8 years ago

CETA & EU Trade Policy, Aviation safety rules, Farmers’ income

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is an international treaty between the European Union and Canada. The negotiations have…

8 years ago

A New Deal for Europe: Creating Growth and Employment | #ec16fes

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | EUROPE CALLING "A New Deal for Europe: Creating Growth and Employment" 2 June 2016, 6 p.m. - National…

9 years ago

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