Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Emmanuel Macron met at Fort Bregancon in France. German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in talks with French Emmanuel Macron at the presidential summer residence of Fort de Bregancon on the Mediterranean coast. The two leaders met to decide the next steps of Europe, as the German-French partnership is the driving force of the European Union and “work together as business leaders”.
This is the first time the Chancellor came to Fort de Brégançon. The last German chancellor to visit the French summer presidential residence was Helmut Kohl, at the invitation of then-President François Mitterrand, in 1985. Macron hosted Russian President Vladimir Putin last August and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who at the time was Prime Minister of Turkey. “The meeting has an exceptional character as it is the first time (Merkel) is invited to Fort Bregancon by a president of the Republic,” the Elysee palace said.
After meeting, France’s Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel made the offer of an EU-led mediation for Belarus, where police have cracked down on post-election protests against President Alexander Lukashenko. “A dialogue between the authorities, the opposition and civil society is essential… We hope that this dialogue can be established by the Belarusians themselves,” Macron said after talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. But the European Union “stands ready to help if our role in mediation can be useful and is desired by the Belarusians along with other institutions … and including Russia”, Macron said.
Macron-Merkel in Brussels

“There is no doubt that there were massive rule violations in the election,” Merkel told in Berlin. “The election was neither free nor fair. And that’s why the result of the election cannot be recognised.” Germany currently holds the six-month rotating EU presidency.
“We have a shared agenda in the Eastern Mediterranean,” he said. “We are standing together with Greece” and want to “ensure stability for the region”, while “favouring de-escalation”.
Merkel, Macron call for de-escalation over disputed Mediterranean waters.
The situation in the eastern Mediterranean was among the topics of the meeting Agenda. Macron-Merkel hope for diplomatic solution and urge Greece and Turkey to resume direct talks.
We need stability in the Eastern Mediterranean, not tensions. We are aware of the critical situation there.
Angela Merkel, German Chancellor
“I am confident that if Germany and France join their forces, hopefully we can find a good solution, which can make cooperation possible,” Merkel told a joint news conference with French President Emmanuel Macron.
Macron-Merkel EU debates
Merkel underlined that it was important to maintain unity among EU member states. Angela Merkel demonstrates solidarity with Greece and the Greek Cypriot administration. Meanwhile, Macron renewed his criticism of Turkey. He also expressed readiness to promote a constructive dialogue among all states in the Eastern Mediterranean. This includes Turkey, to de-escalate tensions and resolve current disputes. Macron also argued that recent diplomatic initiatives of Berlin and Paris on the Eastern Mediterranean were not contradictory but complimentary. They were pursuing the same goals, such as supporting the sovereign rights of EU member states and protecting stability in the region.
Macron said that he and Merkel have also discussed mounting tensions between Greece and Turkey over disputed Mediterranean waters. “We have a shared agenda in the Eastern Mediterranean,” he said. “We are standing together with Greece” and want to “ensure stability for the region”, while “favouring de-escalation”.
EU calls Turkey to end drilling in East Med immediately

Libya, Lebanon and Mali
Macron added that Germany and France are also working together on Libya. “The priority is to obtain a ceasefire and political resolution. The EU mission must be bolstered, those who break the UN embargo must be sanctioned,” Macron noted. The French president also said that he wants to see a “united Europe when it comes to China”. In regard to “support to Lebanon in the humanitarian response” to the August 4 Beirut explosion and “co-operation in Africa” on issues such as Tuesday’s military coup in Mali.
Covid-19 stimulus EU package agreed in June and Vaccine
Merkel mentioned the Covid-19 pandemic is “far from over” and the EU “needs to stick together” to combat the crisis. “No country can go alone, entire countries can’t lockdown again, so we need co-operation on international level,” she added. With regard to the €750 billion Covid-19, Angela Merkel said France and Germany needed to work together. They need to “ensure the right strategic decisions are made” to make best use of the funds. The money will disproportionately benefit southern European countries such as Italy. Italy was hit hard by the virus in its early stages. Also Macron-Merkel European South had high public debt before the pandemic struck – to the chagrin of the EU’s so-called “Frugal Four”. “Frugal Four” are the Netherlands, Austria, Denmark and Sweden.