While a number of top issues, such as the economy, have been rated consistently high over the last years, immigration is an issue that has grown in importance. The increase in importance given to TTIP, CETA and Free Trade Agreements is a very important case for 2017.

EU Commission: Priorities for a Europe that protects, empowers and defends
Younger adults place greater importance on Jobs – Growth for their future. At the same time large majorities of those 65 or older say terrorism is a very important issue to their priorities; somewhat smaller majorities of those ages 16 – 40 usually say the same.
It is strange that there is nowhere clear the message about the EU fight against terrorism. Terrorism is not a new phenomenon in Europe. It poses a threat to our security, to the values of our democratic societies and to the rights and freedoms of European citizens.
VOTE for the #1 top priority for Europe!
Do you believe EU fight against terrorism should be the 1st clear priority of EU Commission – #TeamJunckerEU?
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Commission Work Programme 2017
EU Commission: 21 key initiatives to implement EU top 10 political priorities in 2017 #TeamJunckerEU
- Youth initiative
- Implementation of the Action Plan on Circular Economy
- Financial framework beyond 2020
- Implementation of the Digital Single Market Strategy
- Implementation of the Energy Union Strategy: low-emission travel and mobility
- Implementation of the Single Market Strategy
- Fairer taxation of companies
- Implementation of the Space Strategy for Europe
- Implementation of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan
- A strong Union built on a strong EMU
- European Pillar of Social Rights
- Implementation of the Trade for All strategy
- Data Protection Package
- Progress towards an effective and genuine Security Union
- Implementation of the European Agenda on Migration
- Implementation of the European Defence Action Plan
- Implementation of the EU Global Strategy
- EU Strategy for Syria
- Africa – EU Partnership: renewed impetus
- Modernisation of Comitology procedures
- A more strategic approach to enforcement of EU law
#WorkProgramme #TeamJunckerEU
What should be the top priority for Europe in 2017?
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