Fair Minimum Wages for All – EESC Workers’ Group Webinar
The European Commission's proposal for a directive on adequate fair minimum wages has sparked controversy among member states and social ...
The European Commission's proposal for a directive on adequate fair minimum wages has sparked controversy among member states and social ...
The European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR) is an initiative launched by the European Commission with very ambitious aims. EU ...
This online conference, jointly organised by the European training foundation (ETF) and UNESCO, in collaboration with UNICEF, will discuss system ...
As the continent gets back on its feet, UNI Europa and the stage is set for services sector workers unions ...
Join the online high-level conference titled ‘Quality and effective apprenticeships and international labour standards on apprenticeships’. On 15 and 16 ...
Progress for women in work could be back at 2017 levels by the end of 2021 as a result of ...
The impact of COVID-19 on women has increased gender disparities in the EU, underscoring society’s reliance on women both on ...
To fight in-work poverty, MEPs want action on minimum wages and support for those most at risk including women and ...
The EU provides additional financial support to member states to protect jobs and workers affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The ...
To fight inequality and in-work poverty, MEPs call for a minimum wage, equal labour conditions for platform workers and a ...
Inequality between the rich and poor worsened during pandemic and poverty increased, for the first time in decades. UN labor ...
The culture sector, which employs more than 30 million people globally, has been hit much harder than expected by the ...
Governments and employers should work together to promote multi-generational workforces to adapt to ongoing changes in the world of work. ...
The First Schengen Forum was the first step in an inclusive political debate towards building a stronger Schengen. Mutual trust ...
EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights made it clear on Wednesday that the same minimum wage for all Europeans ...
The social and economic consequences on losing your job and income due to the pandemic COVID-19 vary across EU countries. ...
Printing more money doesn’t increase economic output. It only increases the amount of cash circulating in the economy. If more ...
The coronavirus outbreak is testing Europe. Saving lives and supporting livelihoods in these times of acute Coronavirus crisis is paramount. ...
President Ursula von der Leyen debates priorities ahead of hard winter at the State of the European Union #SOTEU at...
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