The EU – Japan Partnership Agreement became a new Green Alliance
The European Union and Japan announce their intention to form a Green Alliance to accelerate the transition of both economies towards becoming ...
The European Union and Japan announce their intention to form a Green Alliance to accelerate the transition of both economies towards becoming ...
The “three planetary crises” on earth of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution are reinforcing each other and driving further ...
Forests are at the core of our efforts to restore our relationship with the natural world, the deputy UN chief ...
New study shows how climate change is driving the Arctic tern one of the world’s smallest seabirds to forage further ...
Methane emissions caused by human activity can be reduced by up to 45 per cent this decade, thus helping to ...
Poland expands coal lignite mine illegally in Turów, despite the European Commission confirming that the licensing process for the mine ...
The green mining conference, a high-level international event in the field of mineral resources with attendance both online and in ...
Support for climate adaptation in Africa is crucial, to provide renewable energy to hundreds of millions who still lack access ...
This online conference, jointly organised by the European training foundation (ETF) and UNESCO, in collaboration with UNICEF, will discuss system ...
Water means different things to different people and all the different ways water value benefits our lives and talk about ...
Africa and the EU establish a renewed EU-Africa partnership as equals, focusing on people's needs and adjusting to the needs ...
The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) is a European Commission initiative that supports 136 cities in using cutting-edge technologies to lead ...
The Connecting Europe Express is one of the most emblematic initiatives, presented at European Year of Rail 2021 kick-off conference. ...
As the living tissue of the earth, biodiversity is “intimately linked to human health” UNESCO head of the UN’s scientific ...
The United Nations Secretary-Genera urged all countries, companies and financial institutions to commit to net zero or carbon neutrality, with ...
Ursula von der Leyen welcomed US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Brussels and agreed EU-USA to cooperate on global ...
Supply of drinking water to more than 400,000 people, including first time access for 200,000 people, living in Niamey, capital ...
Renovation Wave in the EU with a refurbished and improved building stock will help pave the way for a decarbonised ...
President Ursula von der Leyen debates priorities ahead of hard winter at the State of the European Union #SOTEU at...
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