5th European Migration Forum: Global and local governance
From global to local governance of migration. The role of local authorities and civil society in managing migration and ensuring ...
From global to local governance of migration. The role of local authorities and civil society in managing migration and ensuring ...
Europe received about 1.4 million refugees and irregular migrants in 2015 and 2016. The extent of these mostly unregulated inflows ...
EU parliament calls for freeze on Turkey's membership talks but EU governments have the final say in any suspension. Ankara ...
Since 2015, migration issues have been at the forefront of public debate across Europe. Ongoing population movements, the Aquarius crisis ...
George Soros argues that European Elections in May will be "an inflection point". Nationalist, Eurosceptic parties and all anti-European forces ...
As the number of international migrants reaches new highs, people around the world show little appetite for more migration – ...
Why do they pay more than $1,000 to risk their lives to a smuggler in order to reach a country that finally ...
Public Divided on Whether Migrant Scrambling onto trucks Poses a Threat or. In 2015 helicopter footage shows Migrants attempting to ...
The refugee crisis is one of the most pressing challenges for the world today: around 1 person in 100 is ...
Sixty-five million people were displaced from their homes by conflict and disaster in 2016. It's not just a crisis; it's ...
Why Europe can’t fix its terrorism problem? One of the most striking developments in the modern era of globalization is ...
A new solution - idea for Migrant Crisis? Danish MP suggests shooting at migrant boats. Kenneth Kristensen Berth, an MP ...
In 2016, the EU took robust action to control migration flows. Do we really have managed to gain control? After ...
15 Questions To Test Your Knowledge Which EU country has taken in the most migrants? How much has been spent ...
Stop stalling and act! MEPs call on the EU to ensure that all children's rights are respected, whether they are ...
President Ursula von der Leyen debates priorities ahead of hard winter at the State of the European Union #SOTEU at...
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