France has recalled its ambassador to Turkey after Erdogan says Emmanuel Macron needs ‘mental check’. For France, it was the final straw and recalls Turkey envoy. President Macron has repeatedly warned the EU of Turkey’s illegal, provocative and unacceptable actions that violate European and international law.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has launched today a new attack on Emmanuel Macron. Erdogan questioned French President’s mental condition while criticizing Macron’s attitude toward Islam and Muslims.
Macron needs treatment on a mental level
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey
“What is the problem of this person called Macron with Muslims and Islam? Macron needs treatment on a mental level,” Erdogan said in a speech at a provincial congress of his Justice and Development (AK) Party in the central Turkish city of Kayseri on Saturday.
“What else can be said to a head of state who does not understand freedom of belief and who behaves in this way to millions of people living in his country who are members of a different faith?” the Turkish leader continued.
We are not accepting insults.
The French presidency
The French presidency reacted hours later with a statement that said, “Excess and rudeness are not a method” and “We are not accepting insults.” Using unusually strong language, the French presidency said, “We demand Erdogan to change his policy, which is dangerous in all aspects.”
We will not give in, ever. We respect all differences in a spirit of peace. We do not accept hate speech and defend reasonable debate. We will always be on the side of human dignity and universal values.
Emmanuel Macron, Président de la République française
Turkey shows the same provocative swagger with which it violates Cyprus’ EEZ, invades Syria and challenges Greece in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean.
Turkish President said today Mr Macron needed a mental health check for pledging to defend secular values and fight radical Islam. What is really the problem?

Emmanuel Macron in war of words with Erdogan
Macron, has been in a war of words with Turkish President Tayyep Erdogan for months over issues ranging from Syria to Libya and the Eastern Mediterranean. He has said Ankara is acting in a “warlike” manner.
Last week French President Emmanuel Macron accused Turkey of sending Syrian jihadists to fight in the Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia – Azerbaijan conflict. Also last summer France-Turkey tensions mounted after NATO naval incident. For Turkey, it was a misunderstanding. For NATO, it could be a turning point. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has already intervened militarily in Syria, Libya and Iraq this year. Who can accept all these turkish aggressive policies?
Is Europe facing an asymmetrical, hybrid threat due to Turkish provocations?
Is Turkey’s plan to flood Europe with millions of refugees a real and dangerous threat?
Can the EU freeze all pre-accession aid funds and the Turkey-EU customs union?
Is Emmanuel Macron the EU’s most powerful politician?

Erdogan is a dictator. He has to go away from the government.
Erdogan is a dictator. Kemal Made turkey great , erdogan destroys turkey.
Erdogan is a dictator. Kemal Made turkey great , erdogan destroys turkey.