Chinese investment, and influence, in Europe is growing. China, like any rising economy, wants to invest money abroad - so...
This year saw new solar output highs across Europe as summer temperature records were smashed. In the U.K., solar broke...
Can you imagine life without Google, Facebook or Amazon? Chances are you're actually on one of those platforms right now...
What does it take to clean up a corrupt state? Corruption continues to be a challenge for Europe - a...
Identification chips have been proposed for various reasons, including security and medical identification. More than 3,000 people in Sweden have...
If anyone doubted that French President Emmanuel Macron is now Europe’s diplomatic leader, French politics should settle the issue. Now...
ISIS fighters are returning home to Europe. In Britain, half of the 850 citizens known to have joined ISIS have...
Catalans voted in a bitterly-contested referendum which descended into chaos. The national government says the poll is illegal and its...
From the streets of Turin to Silicon Valley, people power is taking the world by storm. With frustrations rising and...
Martin Schulz will stand as the SPD candidate for Chancellor in the German election 2017 scheduled for September. Former European...
German Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel received the honorary University doctorate for her diplomatic and political efforts to develop the political...
Cyprus Talks between Turkish and Greek leaders of the divided island of Cyprus resumed at the United Nations from 09...
The future of the European Union could essentially be decided in 2017. it will be a really crucial year for...
From 2017 on, the new EUROPA building is the main seat of the European Council and the Council of the...
Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos describes EU Growth and Stability Pact as a Permanent Straightjacket. Tsakalotos warns Europe that ECB...
Modernising the Customs Union to reflect current EU-Turkey trade relations would bring substantial economic benefits proposes European Commission to the...
Eurosceptic politicians are keeping prospects for similar referendums in the spotlight of their election campaigns. Populism, extremism and euroscepticism create...
2016 Review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe. The Review by European Commission highlights more employment, less poverty and...
President Ursula von der Leyen debates priorities ahead of hard winter at the State of the European Union #SOTEU at...
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