Join the online high-level conference titled ‘Quality and effective apprenticeships and international labour standards on apprenticeships’. On 15 and 16 March, the European Commission and the International Labour Organization (ILO) will hold a joint high-level conference titled ‘Quality and effective apprenticeships and international labour standards on apprenticeships’.
The event will take stock of the work done by the EU and the ILO in setting quality standards for apprenticeships. It will explore national apprenticeship reforms that have been implemented to ensure quality and effective apprenticeships for the benefit of both learners and employers. Speakers and participants from Europe, Asia and Africa will have the chance to share good practices and lessons learned with the aim of inspiring future action on apprenticeships at the European and international levels.
Quality and effective apprenticeships and international labour standards on apprenticeships
Online event 15-16/03/2021
Conference agenda and registration
The event will include distinguished speakers from the European Commission, the ILO, Cedefop, the European training foundation (ETF), UNESCO, the European trade union confederation, BusinessEurope, SMEunited, the International organisation of employers, the International trade union confederation, the European apprentices network, and national governments, coalitions and institutions from Europe, Asia and Africa.
European Commissioner for jobs and social rights, Nicolas Schmit, and ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, will speak at this event.
Day 2
European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships
Transnational cooperation in the ESF helps develop better and more effective employment and social policies and improve the delivery of reforms, essentially by enabling people to learn from experiences and good practice in other countries. The Recommendation aims at increasing the employability and personal development of apprentices and contributing towards a highly skilled and qualified workforce responsive to labour market needs. Quality apprenticeships also help encourage active citizenship and social inclusion by integrating people of different social backgrounds into the labour market.
The framework sets out 14 criteria in relation to working and learning conditions as well as to framework conditions. It provides a common understanding among Member States and it will support their efforts to reform and modernise apprenticeship systems that provide an excellent learning and career pathway.