What are European Union values?
What are the six core EU values the European Union is based upon and how do they translate into our ...
What are the six core EU values the European Union is based upon and how do they translate into our ...
EU fights discrimination against Roma people and promotes their inclusion in the key areas of education, employment, health and housing. ...
Despite all efforts, persons with disabilities are still at a higher risk of poverty and social exclusion than persons without ...
The use of sexual services provided by trafficking victims must be criminalised and harder measures to tackle its proliferation are ...
The European Citizens' Initiative is a unique way for you to help shape the EU by calling on the European ...
After intensive negotiations, European Commission has reached an agreement, a good trade deal with the United Kingdom leaving Brexit behind. ...
If the UK and EU-27 do not agree on an FTA Brexit by the end of the transition period, Great ...
The Recovery plan for Europe must take local authorities, Regions and Cities on board to be effective in tackling the ...
Cyprus suspends VISA investment scheme with “Golden passports” following investigative journalists videos. An investigation by Al Jazeera presents that high-ranking ...
European Youth Event goes LIVE online. The Covid-19 crisis has changed our lives and young people have been particularly impacted. ...
EU Regions Week or European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions ...
The European Council agreed on an agenda for the EU for the next five years. 'A new strategic agenda 2019-2024' ...
A total of 14,000 EU Erasmus+ students are currently studying in Britain, while 7,000 U.K. students are studying in the ...
President Ursula von der Leyen debates priorities ahead of hard winter at the State of the European Union #SOTEU at...
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