NATO leaders agree to strengthen the #NATO2030 Alliance (videos)
NATO leaders reaffirmed the Alliance’s dual-track approach of defence and dialogue towards Russia and agree to strengthen the #NATO2030 Alliance. ...
NATO leaders reaffirmed the Alliance’s dual-track approach of defence and dialogue towards Russia and agree to strengthen the #NATO2030 Alliance. ...
EU Leaders meet in Brussels for a strategic debate on EU-Russia relationship, especially after Belarus hybrid methods to land divert ...
The EU Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) met in Brussels for their first European Union Military Committee of 2021 and have ...
On 26 February EU leaders discussed with NATO "strategic autonomy", security, defence, and relations with the Southern Neighbourhood. European Council members ...
How has the European Union’s foreign policy evolved in the last years? What have been the main achievements? What are ...
Security Union eudebates terrorism wich remains a significant threat, both by Islamist extremists and by far-right and far left extremists. ...
The European Union is stepping up its efforts to enforce the UN arms embargo on Libya, thereby contributing to the peace process in the country, ...
Is it time now for an EU Army? First of all is an EU Army possible? Many EU leaders have ...
A New Form of “Hybrid Warfare”? On social media many Europeans have been claiming online that Erdogan is conducting a ...
Today a European army is far from a final deal. For the first time in decades, a window exists for ...
When the Allies planned D-Day, they had to negotiate many balances and procedures before the invasion. That kind of co-operation ...
On 13 March 2019 120 participants gathered in Brussels to discuss the outcome of the work of the European Defence ...
The Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) was established in 2000. Now DG Defence with all EU military programs is ...
President Ursula von der Leyen debates priorities ahead of hard winter at the State of the European Union #SOTEU at...
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