TUI travel smile receives more rescue money under European approval
European Commission approves the third financial aid package €1.25 billion euro German measure to recapitalise TUI. The European Commission has ...
European Commission approves the third financial aid package €1.25 billion euro German measure to recapitalise TUI. The European Commission has ...
Time to deliver, with the knowledge that the European social model is the best tool for overcoming the challenges of ...
Eurogroup President in his 2020 Year in Review highlights significant developments in the field of EU economics and the response ...
EU has selected 38 of Europe’s most promising start-ups and SMEs to receive funding to develop ground-breaking innovations in Europe. ...
European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) is in smooth collaboration with the new European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO). New rules adopted by ...
Promoting gender equality, equal economic independence for women and men and closing the gender pay gap are goals for the ...
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, European Parliament President David Sassoli and Chancellor Angela Merkel, on behalf of the Presidency of ...
Migrant workers earn nearly 13 per cent on average less than national workers in high-income countries, according to a new ...
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said we’ve won! Brussels is not able to blackmail Hungary with money, there is no ...
On 30 November 2020, the Eurogroup agreed to proceed with the reform of the European Stability Mechanism - ESM. The ...
MEPs reached a political agreement on how EU countries will be able to spend EU regional, cohesion and social EU ...
President Michel said the decision on the next MFF had been taken in July but not Hungary and Poland declared ...
Viktor Orbán has informed EU leaders that the Hungarian government will veto legislation related to the EUʼs MFF 2021-2027 budget ...
EU Parliament negotiators and the Council Presidency have reached a compromise on €1.8 trillion long-term EU budget. After weeks of ...
The coronavirus pandemic represents a very large shock for the global and EU economies, with very severe economic and social ...
ECB President Christine Lagarde and Chief Economist Philip R. Lane host LIVE a virtual listening event with civil society organisations. ...
World trade shows signs of rebound from COVID-19 but World Trade Organization economists warn recovery is still uncertain. Any recovery ...
European Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and the Capital Markets Union, Mairead McGuinness is heard by the Economic and ...
President Ursula von der Leyen debates priorities ahead of hard winter at the State of the European Union #SOTEU at...
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