Can the EU still trust the UK on a future Brexit Deal?
The EU is fully committed on a Brexit Deal of trust to achieving a full, timely and effective implementation of ...
The EU is fully committed on a Brexit Deal of trust to achieving a full, timely and effective implementation of ...
In a Brexit debate with the Institute of International and European Affairs, Barnier said UK has refused to compromise on ...
A Brexit agreement seems unlikely. The European Union's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier says nothing has changed. He mentioned that ...
GBP pound exchange rate has changed vs the euro and dollar during the coronavirus outbreak. The pound is stronger against ...
EU - UK Brexit talks have reached an impasse and Coronavirus crisis pushes for Brexit delay in face of an ...
The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic has once again revealed how China’s uncontrolled actions undermine the global social, economic, and political order. ...
The deadly coronavirus epidemic could put an already fragile global economy recovery at risk, the International Monetary Fund head told ...
The first is, like any ‘divorce’, fundamentally a question of settling the terms. This is reflected in a formal Brexit ...
The EU, the US and Canada share the values of democracy, human rights, and economic and political freedom, and have ...
Mario Draghi is the only President to have signed the Europa series banknotes. Euro banknotes are part of our economy, ...
EU continues opening up export markets for European firms. EU and China signed a bilateral agreement to protect 100 European ...
A Brexit deal has been agreed but needs to be ratified. The UK could still leave with no deal on ...
LIVE Hearings today with Phil Hogan. The European Parliament tests Phil Hogan general competences, European commitment and specific expertise related ...
Europe and Asia have never been so close. Our economies are interconnected; our cultures are interconnected; and our security is ...
Uncertainty over government policies is hitting the outlook for Britain. A no-deal BREXIT would generate a large negative shock to ...
The global economy has become increasingly fragile and uncertain. Global growth is slowing and downside risks continuing to mount, according ...
OECD Chief Economist Laurence Boone says global growth is slowing as escalating trade conflicts are hitting business confidence and investment. ...
The G7 Leaders wish to underline their great unity and the positive spirit of the debates. The G7 Summit organized ...
President Ursula von der Leyen debates priorities ahead of hard winter at the State of the European Union #SOTEU at...
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